digital art therapy notes online reading answers

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A Art therapy is a relative newcomer to the therapeutic field. Art therapy as a profession began in the mid-20th century, arising independently in English-speaking and European countries. Many of the early practitioners of art therapy acknowledged the influence of a variety of disciplines on their practices, ranging from psychoanalysis through to aesthetics and early childhood education. However, the roots of art as therapy go back as far as the late 18th century, when arts were used in the ‘moral treatment’ of psychiatric patients.

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B It wasn’t until 1942, however, that the British artist Adrian Hill coined the term ‘art therapy’, as he was recovering from tuberculosis in a sanatorium. He discovered that therapeutic benefits could be derived from drawing and painting whilst recovering. Art, he claimed, could become therapeutic since it was capable of ‘completely engrossing the mind… releasing the creative energy of the frequently inhibited patient’. This effect, argued Hill, could in turn help the patient as it would ‘build up a strong defence against his misfortunes’.

C In 1964, the British Association of Art Therapists was founded. Proponents of art therapy fell into one of two categories: those who believed that the therapeutic effect of art lay in its effectiveness as a psychoanalytic tool to assess a patient through their drawings and those who held the belief that art-making was an end in itself, the creative process acting therapeutically on the patient. The two practices, however, were not incompatible, a degree of overlap occurring between the two. A patient, for example, could produce work that could be analysed for content and forms of self-expression but which could also be a creative outlet at the same time.

D Art therapy in all its forms has proved effective in the treatment of individuals suffering with a wide range of difficulties or disabilities. These include emotional, behavioural or mental health problems, learning or physical disabilities. These include emotional, behaviour or mental health problems, learning or physical disabilities, neurological conditions and physical illness. Therapy can be provided on a group or individual basis according to the clients’ needs. Whether the approach adopted by the therapist is oriented towards a psychoanalytic or creative approach, the effect of therapy is multifold. Partaking in art therapy can raise a patient’s self-awareness and enable them to deal with stress and traumatic experience. In addition, art therapy sessions can enhance a patient’s cognitive abilities and help the patient enjoy the life-affirming pleasures of making art.

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E Typically, an art therapy session is fundamentally different from an art class in that the individual is encouraged to focus more on their internal feelings and to express them, rather than portray external objects. Although some traditional art classes may ask participants to draw from their imagination, in art therapy the patient’s inner world of images, feelings, thoughts and ideas are always of primary importance to the experience. Any type of visual art and medium can be employed in the therapeutic process including painting, drawing, sculpture, photography and digital art.

F  Art therapy sessions are usually held by skilled and qualified professionals. The presence primarily of the therapist is to be in attendance, guiding and encouraging artistic expression in the patient, in accordance with the original meaning of the word for therapy derived from the Greek word ‘therapeia’, meaning ‘being attentive to’.

G Requirements for those wishing to become an art therapist vary from country to country. In the USA, where entry to the profession is highly regulated, a master’s degree in art therapy is essential. In addition, those applying for such a post must have taken courses in a variety of studio art disciplines in order to demonstrate artistic proficiency. On completion of the master’s degree, candidates also have to complete a minimum of 1000 hours of direct client contact post-graduation that is approved by the American Art Therapy Association (AATA).

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H  However, whilst entry to the profession is strictly regulated in the USA, the same does not hold true for other countries. The problem is that art therapy is still considered a developing field. As such, until it becomes truly established as a therapy, its practice and application will remain unregulated in many countries for some time yet.

 - Digital Art Therapy Notes Online Reading Answers

29 Approaches to art therapy can be broadly considered to be creative or psychoanalytic; however, practitioners tend to avoid combining the two schools of practice.

Modern-day art therapy has its beginnings in the 1940s. Adrian Hill, one of its early pioneers, realised that art therapy was effective in helping patients create a 38…………………… resistance to psychological and social stresses. Hill considered that 39 …………………… patients would particularly benefit from having an artistic outlet. Art therapy then developed into two types of practice, one emphasising a psychoanalytic approach and the other a more 40 …………………… one. Today there is often an overlap between the two practices.

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Answer explanation: In the given location, it is given that “Art therapy in all its forms has proved effective in the treatment of individuals suffering with a wide range of difficulties or disabilities. These include emotional, behavioural or mental health problems, learning or physical disabilities.”. This shows that unlike in the eighteenth century, when arts were used in the ‘moral treatment’ of psychiatric patients, in the twentieth century, it is based on a client’s mental or physical health problems. Hence, the answer is True.

Answer explanation: Although there is a mention that proponents of art therapy are divided into two groups, there is no information on whether practitioners avoided combining the two schools of practice. Hence, the answer is Not Given.

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Answer explanation: Since there is no information on whether a client with a previous background in art can respond better to the therapy, the answer is Not Given.

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Answer explanation: In the mentioned paragraph, it is stated that “Typically, an art therapy session is fundamentally different from an art class in that the individual is encouraged to focus more on their internal feelings and to express them, rather than portray external objects.”. It can be pointed out that an art therapy session mostly focuses on encouraging an individual to express their emotions through art and not on what is created (external objects). As the statement agrees with the information, the answer is True.

Answer explanation: Through lines like,  “In the USA, where entry to the profession is highly regulated, a master’s degree in art therapy is essential. In addition, those applying for such a post must have taken courses in a variety of studio art disciplines in order to demonstrate artistic proficiency.”, it can be concluded that in the USA, the qualifications of art therapists are strictly followed and their proficiency and awareness have to be proved before they can start practising. Hence, the answer is False.

Answer explanation: In the mentioned section, it is stated that “The presence primarily of the therapist is to be in attendance, guiding and encouraging artistic expression in the patient…”.  Based on this reference, it can be concluded that in art therapy sessions, the primary task of the therapist is to guide and encourage the patient, which requires interaction. Hence, the answer is False.

 - Digital Art Therapy Notes Online Reading Answers

Ielts Academic Reading: Cambridge 10 Test 2; Reading Passage 3; Museums Of Fine Art And Their Public; With Best Solutions And Explanations

Answer explanation: In Paragraph A, it is said that “Many of the early practitioners of art therapy acknowledged the influence of a variety of disciplines on their practices, ranging from psychoanalysis through to aesthetics and early childhood education.”. This points out that early pioneers (practitioners) of art therapy admitted (acknowledged) that a variety of influences (from psychoanalysis through to aesthetics and early childhood education) had shaped their beliefs. Hence, the answer is ‘variety of’.

Answer explanation: The following lines –It wasn’t until 1942, however, that the British artist Adrian Hill coined the term ‘art therapy’, as he was recovering from tuberculosis in a sanatorium. He discovered that therapeutic benefits could be derived from drawing and painting whilst recovering.– establishes the fact that artist Adrian Hill realised the therapeutic benefits of art as therapy, and coined the term ‘art therapy’ in 1942 while he was recovering from tuberculosis. Hence, the answer is ‘therapeutic benefits’.

Answer explanation: In the specific line, it is mentioned that “Proponents of art therapy fell into one of two categories: those who believed that the therapeutic effect of art lay in its effectiveness as a psychoanalytic tool to assess a patient through their drawings and those who held the belief that art-making was an end in itself, the creative process acting therapeutically on the patient.”. In other words, it can be said that there were two groups of proponents of art therapy – one supported a psychoanalytic approach and the other emphasised on the creative process itself. Hence, the answer is ‘creative process’.

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Answer explanation: In Paragraph C, it is stated that “The two practices, however, were not incompatible, a degree of overlap occurring between the two.”. This statement indicates that although the

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